Hearing Tests

Our Comprehensive Process

At Avalon Hearing, we prioritize a thorough and precise hearing test to ensure the best possible outcomes for your hearing health. Unlike other practices that may cut corners, we take our time to deliver accurate results and a comprehensive understanding of your hearing needs. A typical test with us can take between 90 to 120 minutes, reflecting our commitment to a detailed and unhurried process. Feel free to ask us any questions along the way, your comfort and clarity are our top priorities. Here’s what you can expect from our detailed hearing test process:

Step 1: Introduction and Consultation

Our process begins with a personal introduction. We take the time to get to know you, understanding your concerns and what brought you in for a hearing test. We discuss your goals for the evaluation and ask some medical background questions to ensure we have a complete picture of your health.

Step 2: Otoscopy - Outer Ear Inspection

Once we have a clear understanding of your needs, we perform an outer ear inspection. Using a video otoscope, we capture a crisp, clear image of your eardrum. This allows us to check for any potential interference or issues that might affect the accuracy of your hearing test.

Step 3: Tympanometry - Middle Ear Analysis

Next, we conduct tympanometry to assess the health of your middle ear. This step helps us determine if there are any problems with your middle ear that could be impacting your hearing, such as fluid or pressure issues.

diagram of an inner ear
audiogram and otoscope

Step 4: Audiogram Explanation and Pure Tone Testing

We then explain the audiogram testing process to you. An audiogram is a visual representation of your hearing ability. It plots your hearing thresholds across different frequencies, helping us understand your hearing loss in detail. We perform pure tone air conduction testing and bone conduction testing to accurately assess your hearing loss. Pure tone testing measures your ability to hear sounds at various pitches and volumes through the air, while bone conduction testing evaluates how sound is transmitted through the bones of the skull.

Step 5: Speech Testing

Following the audiogram, we conduct speech testing and speech-in-noise testing. Speech testing helps us understand how well you can recognize and process spoken words. Speech in noise testing evaluates how effectively you can understand speech in the presence of background noise, which is crucial for real-world hearing situations.

Step 6: Results Review and Recommendations

After completing all the tests, your provider will take the time to review your results with you. We’ll discuss your hearing situation in detail and make recommendations tailored to your specific needs. If necessary, we are happy to demonstrate the latest hearing aid technology in the office to help you make an informed decision. 

At Avalon Hearing, our commitment is to offer a thorough, accurate, and personalized hearing test to address your unique needs and ensure the best possible hearing care.

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